Expedition Korčula Island (Croatia) 2016

One of the best week(s) in my life!

Along with my fellow astrophotographer and a friend of mine Pavel Vabroušek we have had a wonderful week on the very late October/early November on the Korcula island. It was supported by 4 to 5 nights of imaging under a clear skies!

Some images:

Unfortunately, due to zero leisure time I was not yet able to process the data for the 3 to 4 images I took there. I have only improved one of my favorite Alnitak surroudings image with a Luminance data taken on Korcula island with a RGB color data taken on Tenerife.

Gallery of both Pavel’s images from the event:


Some time-lapse video: https://youtu.be/I6pMDewYSs4


Příspěvek byl publikován v rubrice Articles in ENGLISH, Expedice (vícedenní). Můžete si uložit jeho odkaz mezi své oblíbené záložky.

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