Archiv rubriky: Technika, recenze

QHY10 – Binning, Gain, Offset, Noise, Light Response etc.

To get the best out of your new CCD camera it is very important to understand all the aspects and effects of various settings and to use the camera in the correct-most “mode”. Well, I have the camera already for … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | Napsat komentář

Atik 314L+ CCD camera short-handed review

Finally, after imaging with this CCD camera for more than two years, I decided to write some short review of this master-piece. I have focused on the main parameters like light response, gain, readout noise, dark current, TEC cooling tests … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | 5 komentáře

Současné CCD kamery pro fotografování DSO, stručný přehled

Většina fotografů noční oblohy dříve či později dospěje k názoru, že nastal ten pravý čas pro výměnu digitálního fotoaparátu (obvykle DSLR značky Canon) za nějakou CCD kameru speciálně určenou pro astronomické použití. V tomto článku bych rád zmínil dnes nejběžnější … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Technika, recenze | 3 komentáře

Visit of Teleskop Service

These days people tend to shop online and I am not any different. One of the reasons is that there are only few shops selling astronomical equipment. Teleskop Service (Teleskop-Express) is one of my favorite supplier and because I needed … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze, Všeobecné (počasí) | Napsat komentář

Set-Point TEC Cooling Tests of QHY CCD camera

There were many reasons to purchase a color CCD camera after having more than four monochromatic cameras dedicated for astrophotography. Some of them were: shooting comets, shooting constellations, shooting broadband color images (reflection or dark nebulae) under limited weather conditions … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Pokusy, Technika, recenze | Napsat komentář

Borg 77EDII Astrograph – an user “review”

Finally! I found something that “works” for me. And what a surprise – it is my old, beloved, little Borg 77EDII that I purchased in 2008 as my first ever refracting telescope for astronomical photography. At that time I haven’t … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | 4 komentáře

Astronomik Filters on a Spectrophotometer

I would like to show the performance – transmittance plots – of couple of Astronomik filters. Let’s start with L-RGB Typ 2c, 31mm unmounted (purchased in 2010), serial number: 2050000226. I believe that all the charts are self explanatory. The … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | Napsat komentář

In-Depth Review of Astrodon Narrowband filters

Yes, yet another article about Astrodon Narrowband filters. I promise it’s the last one (at least this year). On one nice day a friend of mine asked me: “have you noticed any UV or IR leak when doing narrow band … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | Napsat komentář

IDAS LPS-P2, Astrodon Tru-Balance LRGB filters, ICX285

Shooting LRGB or RGB (broadband) images is becoming a more and more challenging task for an astrophotographer. Light pollution is the enemy’s name. There are essentially two ways (or three, counting narrowband imaging) how to deal with it. First, if … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | 1 komentář

Narrowband Imaging with Achromatic Refractor

Some nights we “astro-imagers” are out of luck. Nothing works as expected, everything … up, time flies by and the chances for a successful imaging night are becoming minimal. What should I do then? When – at least – the … Celý příspěvek

Rubriky: Articles in ENGLISH, Technika, recenze | Napsat komentář